Saturday, September 22, 2012

Strike III

Multiple sclerosis has stuck me up again, reappeared in 2012 start by March , it became tough to read . thought my myopic vision was undergoing a change , I could read the news paper without glasses...and see TV as well. was happy that my number had changed. Went to a doctor !

"your vision is only at 30% < ......steroids "

My world crashed, what ever he said made sense .Yes distance was very difficult.

3 months under a homeopath and yes I can see distant objects. But I cannot walk come July.....

tough is this predicament, no idea how to end it. My Life has ended smiles, family members adopt different tactics. One blames crimes from previous birth, have to suffer.Pray pray pray, let me have good life so that i can bring cheer to many, is that not good karma ? The other is taking logical steps no money in my hands and no splurging my decade of savings. ..I say no marriage as who will carry this living hell ?

6 months now over eyes are good better over 10 years may be...

only i can't walk ! anymore more than 15 min

I have to keep trying no more giving up, live it up...

My medication changed in September '12 and praying .... mantra continuously. Feel better and less vacant and empty.

Will update. more .

8 months now, have not moved out of the house and have celebrated Diwali with pain, my legs were not mine. It happened all of a sudden I was improving my walking capability but it just left me.

That was November'12 now it is December'12 , 6.

Have improved and it is a steady improvement, I may have gotten a bit more positive in my outlook. I can walk for 30 min and stay out for 2-4 hours ( out of the house not standing or walking sitting in a public place. My learning is that both my parents take turns to be depressed, ma was not giving in but she wants out of the no celebration mode we have been trapped ourselves in. Baba is okay ....has his bad days when he gets confused.

Today my colleague called she was asked to, who knows why. I am clear that I will get ALRIGHT  now that I have the opportunity given by God, it is my actions that will show that "Yes" the opportunity was given to the correct person.

I found the solution to Multiple Sclerosis , it's ACCUPUNCTURE ! today was my 18th sitting , for the last 3 days I have been stronger in my physical strength and mentally as well a fightercock i always was only for  nearly the last decade i became silent , i have fought with with my parents and lost money in the stock market yet am good.

My mother is very depressed she tells my father that he should get sleeping pills so that the three of us can go to sleep forever. She still is scared that I will a easy target to cruelty.

Next mission make both of them Happy !

Saturday, February 25, 2012

My flight, brave people

I fly by so many stars, allow me to tell you about some of them.

Nanhee, the youngest one with 4 brothers. When she was 8 she lost her parents . How , why I did not have the courage to ask.

Nanhee had a smile on her face when she was sharing her past or should one say sorrows with me. The eldest brother left college and started to work as a waiter, he was determined that his siblings get to college. Nanhee like her siblings after school hours  jobs in BPOs- tele marketing. I swore that all tele markteers are doing what they do not with 'choice', will give them a patient ear.

Nanhee is working for a bank now, the one elder to her is a physical trainer for the likes of reliance...the one older to him is working in a KPO and the eldest is still part of catering services. Braveone got married , ensuring Nanhee had a female guide with her.

They were the brave, believed in Sai.


Elderly taxi driver , from near my residence! 3 months , found him!

I have been on look out for his likes for small trips across the city when I get tired.

He is from Delhi, came to Mumbai to be part of the glitzy and rewarding world of films, he wrote songs and it remained a love, he had a family and his daughter and son he educated so that they can break out of the life he was in. His daughter was married , his son in law was working with a BPO in a good position and she had started a business with another partner 30 lacs was invested ; they had a flat in Andheri up market.

She did not want to be seen with her father.

Son finished his engineering , the jobs were of 15k which he found beneath his dignity. He continued a merry existence his old father a taxi driver.

Life is different for all, some hand guides it from doom to happiness.

That seems to be the differentiators.