Thursday, April 30, 2015

Multiple Sclerosis Research: What's in a Name? 30th

Multiple Sclerosis Research: What's in a Name? 30th hello I realize I will not permitted, I had submitted the short questionnaire which had my symptoms captured, small addition I found I was having dandruff since I was a kid .

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"itna pyaar nahin chahiye


child hood , was following Borris , posters TV - matches clasping n clapping . Post 13 years was no longer a child . fell sick could not stand suddenly , was taken to a orthopedic who tied weights to my feet a  month lapsed . I was taken to Delhi AIMS hospital , blood tests , x rays , then was sent to a physiotherapist , given a number of exercises , and medication. in 1 year Ma enrolled me to learn lawn tennis . The coach was good a unnatural was made to play early morning and she in a year represented the district and then the state.

My hero , Ma.

need to learn how to blog !

i am inundated with thoughts from Ma's demise , year 2013 passed away to 2015 . I guess I cant separate myself from her intention to have a personal chat with God. She jumped off the stairs with a rope around her neck. She did not snap her neck , she maintained a smile to the end . I did not think she had died, wanted to tickle her feet . Was give to certify her death by the police . The morgue is where we met , stench was nauseating . 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Old weaknesses

Still follow around with no knowledge , dumb you could say . Some say you are in a wishful thinking world .

Ten years or may be more , if i was not to be , i should give it up .

Hope may have knocked .......cure through chemotherapy followed by stem cell replacement .

‘Astounding’ MS Stem Cell Treatment stops disease in 91% of Patients | Stem Cell Banking News

i cannot think of going for a 91% chance , 100 % is all i need with a paid for .

Monday, March 16, 2015

Broken Wing

Recreating a wing, did not know it took so long. Life all of a sudden does not seem so eventful. Am I waiting to die isn't everybody. Why do some make it so interesting ? for themselves ofcorse no one else.

Strike is now Strife for life

After 3 years I returned. I was fearful of loosing my blog .

2013 was a year i cannot forget . I came back to Aurangabad after almost 20 years . No known people to return to . No eyesight to guide me on . But not sure why i was not willing to believe I was over.

2015 now believing in myself and organic food and physiotherapist for the exercises I am to do !